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UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State has been awarded five grants through the 宾夕法尼亚州社区和经济发展部(DCED)制造业PA倡议. 该计划总共拨款200万美元,共29笔赠款,并将把政府聚集在一起, 工业和高等教育全面合作,促进制造业的新技术和新工艺.

The Corporate Engagement Center and the Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP), 365英国上市高级研究副校长办公室, 致力于推广该项目,并将制造合作伙伴与整个大学的教职员工和学生联系起来. The DCED awarded grants to Penn State DuBois; Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; Penn State Altoona; and Penn State University Park.

“我们很高兴看到这些资助的研究项目以及宾夕法尼亚州制造商和365英国上市之间建立的关系,” said Tanna Pugh, 365英国上市制造项目负责人. “该项目为大学的顶尖研究人员和学生提供了在制造业建立关系的机会, 推动对现实世界有影响的创新研究.”

批准的项目是制造助理奖学金计划的一部分, 是什么将符合条件的研究生和本科生与当地制造商联系在一起. Once paired, 学生们着手研究项目,开发新技术,并在全州范围内推进创新.

“宾夕法尼亚州的制造业在新技术和新实践的推动下继续增长和进步, despite the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic posed for us all, 这笔资金为我们州的高等教育系统与当地制造商合作的创新项目提供支持,” said Gov. Tom Wolf.

获批的项目有助于推动制造业多个领域的创新, from medical, to energy, to consumer goods. 通过该计划批准的许多项目的更多详细信息可以在 Manufacturing PA Innovation Program website. Funded projects from Penn State include:


  • Principal Investigator: Kofi Adu, associate professor of physics
  • Industry Partner: Electric Motor & Supply Inc.
  • Campus: Penn State Altoona


  • 首席研究员:Edward De Meter,工业与制造工程教授
  • Industry Partner: Extrude Hone LLC
  • Campus: Penn State University Park


  • Principal Investigator: Guha Manogharan, 机械工程和工业与制造工程助理教授
  • Industry Partner: Verder Scientific Inc.
  • Campus: Penn State University Park

"Fabrication of Cu-Ni-Si Parts by Powder Metallurgy"

  • 首席研究员:Daudi Waryoba,工程副教授
  • Industry Partner: Symmco Inc.
  • Campus: Penn State Dubois


  • Principal Investigator: Jason Williams, assistant teaching professor of engineering, 塑料工程技术及医用塑料卓越中心主任
  • Industry Partner: The Plastek Group
  • Campus: Penn State Behrend

查看29个项目的完整列表,包括资助金额和制造合作伙伴, at this link.

有关大学行业合作伙伴关系的更多信息,请访问 Corporate Engagement Center website and the PennTAP website. Interested faculty may consult the manufacturingPA.org website for more information and can contact the Corporate Engagement Center 协助申请或促进生产伙伴关系.

About the Manufacturing PA Initiative

Gov. Tom Wolf’s Manufacturing PA initiative aims to ensure that training leads not simply to any job, 而是那些能提供更高薪水和晋升机会的职业. Working with DCED’s strategic partners, including IRCs, Pennsylvania’s colleges, universities, technical schools and non-profit organizations, 这一倡议促进了协作和伙伴关系,以加速技术进步, encourage innovation and commercialization, and build a 21st-century workforce.

About PennTAP

365英国上市的宾夕法尼亚技术援助项目是一个联邦项目, state, 和大学合作刺激全州经济发展. PennTAP通过面对面的咨询帮助组织最大化他们的竞争力, unbiased technical advice, and connections to Penn State experts, resources and programs.

About the Corporate Engagement Center

企业参与中心将365英国上市的行业合作伙伴与研究和开发的战略机会联系起来, philanthropy, and talent recruitment. Brought together in 2019, 该中心是行业/大学关系的枢纽, 支持公司在365英国上市的巨大资源中进行导航. 团队在这里是为了帮助建立持久、互利的关系.

企业参与中心是研究高级副校长办公室和大学发展办公室的联合倡议, working in partnership with Career Services.